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Happy happy Monday, friends!
I hope you had a great weekend. Ours was full over here – but kind of perfect, too. You know those weekends where you feel like you were actually able to strike a balance between productivity and rest? Where you maybe didn’t get every single thing crossed off the list, but you got enough crossed off, you feel in a good place to start a new week?
That was our weekend and I am so grateful.
We also had our 24 week well-check at the doctor this week for our sweet baby boy, so we’re here today with another pregnancy update.
(It’s fun for me to keep up with these things to look back on to see how different and similar each pregnancy is!)
24 Week Pregnancy Update
How far along? 24 weeks + 3 days
Maternity clothes? Yes and no. In my last pregnancy update, I mentioned that I had been just wearing what fits. I also mentioned that I made it through my last pregnancy with a couple of pairs of maternity jeans and some stretchy non-maternity leggings.
And I don’t know if it’s just my body being shaped a little differently this pregnancy or what, but those stretchy non-maternity leggings are just okay this time around. Comfortable for a while, but definitely not all day.
So, I’m balancing a small tension these days between wanting to be both comfortable and semi-stylish in this season, but also not wanting to spend a small fortune because I know how temporary this season is. That said, I’ve been scouring my local Facebook marketplace and buy/sell/trade groups to find great second-hand maternity clothes.
Even still, I’m trying to limit what I buy to only versatile pieces and things that I will wear often in this season. Last week, I picked up a pair of pants and a pair of maternity leggings for just $8 total. And y’all.
Why in the world am I just catching on to maternity leggings? Seriously, they are so comfortable. Hands down the best money I’ve spent in a while. And I think I’m officially in only maternity pants until baby boy is born. Still alternating between true maternity tops and longer torso, looser fitting tops and sweaters in my closet already and totally happy with that for now. It’s finally starting to be a true fall around here, so I’m feeling a little better able to figure out what to wear.
Wondering if I’ll need a maternity coat this season, but definitely not paying full price for one. So we’ll see on that.
Stretch marks? Nothing new that I’ve noticed.
Sleep: Hit or miss this past week. I mentioned last week that Hubs and I were planning to get a way for a bit – and we did! We spent a long weekend in Chicago recently (which I hope to share here soon). It was really wonderful and restful, but it really threw the boys’ sleep schedules for a loop.
Our oldest has adjusted to us being home just fine by this point, but our youngest has been fighting sleep this whole week. Starting to climb out of his crib – refusing to lay down, waking up in the middle of the night again, you name it.
He’s even been refusing to sleep in his crib period several nights – opting for a little pallet on his floor instead. So, our sleep has been less than ideal this week.
But, we did get both boys to bed earlier on Saturday night, and I’m happy to report that they both got almost 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep. It was dark and rainy overnight, which also helped. Everyone got good rest and I think we were all thankful. Now to try and replicate that…
We are still struggling through nap time over here though. Like majorly struggling. And we’re definitely not ready to drop nap.
Best moment this week: There was so much good about this week. Aside from some overly tired boys during much of the week, we had a great trip to the pumpkin patch with my sister. We’ve been to the playground, library, and Bible study. We made a spontaneous trip to my parents’ because my brother was passing through on work travel – and we almost never have all four of my siblings together. And we had a really good weekend.
We had a good check-up and the OB-GYN.
The week was certainly not without it’s meltdowns and bumps along the way, but overall, I’m just feeling really grateful this week.
Movement: More and more. And finally feeling them outside of my tummy this week! Hubs has felt our sweet boy kick a few times and Little has, too. It always makes him really proud to feel his newest baby brother kick and I love to watch him. He is a really great big brother and I’m excited to see him continue to grow in that role!
Food cravings: Same as last update – all the carbs. And beef over chicken, but nothing crazy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Thankfully, still no.
Labor Signs: Also, no.
Belly Button in or out? Definitely out. Way out.
Wedding rings on or off? On! They feel a little more snug, but not uncomfortable – so hoping I can continue to wear them the whole way!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Depends. Trying to be really mindful of being present, patient, flexible, and grateful. And recognizing that those are great gifts from God.
Weekly Wisdom: Remembering that I can be joyful and thankful in the middle of the melt-downs. I can ask for help and step away when I need to refresh. Mothering is good work. It is challenging, but it is good.
Milestones: Another good doctor visit. Continuing to pray for a healthy growing baby boy and strength for my body as we finish up this pregnancy. I have my glucose test next month and then one more visit before starting to see the doctor more regularly. And I’m just so reminded how quickly this time goes by.
Looking forward to: So many things. I realized this weekend just how close we’re getting to the holiday season. We have a full week this week, but I’m hoping to get our Halloween costumes done (will post before Halloween, but it will probably be last minute because that’s how life is right now). And begin some work on painting in our home. No better time to take no a big project, huh?
What a fun and full update! You seem to be in great spirits, which is awesome!! Your little babymoon sounded so nice. Praying that your sleep struggles end soon! I know how rough that can be!!
Thank you so much! I do feel mostly in good spirits and I am thankful for that! Our trip was SO nice and well needed, and I THINK we are rounding the curve on these sleep protests! (also HUGELY thankful for that!)