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Anybody else feeling a little frazzled these days?
I don’t know about you, but every since the start of this coronavirus quarantine/shut down/pandemic, my emotions have been all over the place.
I’ve felt fear, anxiety, loneliness, stress, gratitude, hopeful, and the list goes on.
I feel fearful of the unknown, anxious about making big decisions or thinking about planning things in the future. Stressed being home all day long and feeling so drained by the end of the day.
At the same time, I feel an enormous amount of gratitude at being able to stay home in the first place. I’m thankful for our health and the health of our family. Thankful for my husband’s job, a full pantry, toilet paper in our bathrooms. And the list goes on.
All of that said, one thing that this situation is the importance of self-care – real, life giving, cup filling self-care.
What is Self Care
Let’s go ahead say it, self-care is a buzzword. A hot-topic. Trendy, even, if you will.
But at it’s heart, I believe that self-care is good and important and necessary for all of us. Especially busy mamas. It’s no secret that motherhood is a never-ending job. And of course we don’t want it any other way.
Motherhood is hard work. But it’s good work. It’s work that is worth it.
But, while we are so busy taking care of everyone else’s needs – changing diapers, putting away toys, teaching our children, getting food on (and off) the table, we can very quickly forget how important it is to take time to care for ourselves.
I’m not talking about full on spa days (although, when all this is over – SIGN. ME. UP.). I’m talking about very easy, intentional ways that we can incorporate self-care into our already busy schedules and to-do lists.
I’m no expert in this. In fact, this post was inspired by my kind husband who said to me verbatim over the weekend: “ML – rest is important. You should add it to your to-do list.” This after I had taken a nap one afternoon and was telling him that I thought I probably needed the rest, but it also meant that I did not get to some of the other things on my to-do list.
And so, this post is for me. But also for you. Because I know that I can’t be the only mama who has ever felt guilty for taking a nap or forgotten to take care of herself in the midst of everything else.
That said, here are 15 easy self-care ideas for busy mamas. Real, practical things that I’m working to incorporate more regularly into my routines. And ideas that I think you can use, too.
Easy Self Care Ideas for Moms to Do at Home
1. Turn off the news.
Just turn it off. Early on in this pandemic, I cannot tell you how often I refreshed the news page and clicked on news articles shared on social media. I wanted to know what was happening and what to expect.
But every news article left me feeling more anxious or frustrated than the previous one.
I’m not arguing that you should operate in a state of oblivion. Check the news. Stay up to date. But be mindful about what you are putting into your brain.
Too much information can be harmful to your mental health. Find a news source you can trust and set boundaries for how often you check it. Once a day is probably sufficient.
2. Put down your phone.
A couple of the books on my reading list this year pertain to how we use our phones and the impact that has on our life. Our phones are incredibly useful tools that allow us to keep in touch with friends and family, the news, etc.
But, they are also incredible distractions that take us away from more important things. How many times have you sat down to mindlessly scroll social media for 15 minutes only to feel frustrated an hour and a half later when your to-do list is still in the same place it was before?
Personally, I can tell a BIG difference when I’m spending too much time on my phone in a day and when I put my phone down and limit my time with it. The more limited I am with my phone, the more engaged I am with my kids, the better I rest, and the more productive I am at home.
Because those are things that are all important to me, I feel significantly more peaceful, patient, and calm when I put down the phone.
3. Get moving.
No, you don’t need to train for a marathon. But daily, regular exercise will pay dividends in self-care. You’ll feel better, sleep better, and your body will be healthier. Taking a walk around the neighborhood can do wonders for your mood.
Other ideas for some quick exercise:
- Walk up and down your stairs 5 times.
- Do 25 squats or crunches.
- Have a dance party with your kids.
- Find a great exercise video on YouTube.
- Stretch before bed.
4. Get outside.
Anytime we’re having a hard day over here, I can almost guarantee that getting outdoors to play or walk will make it at least somewhat better. When you’re at home all the time, a change of scenery can be a game changer for everyone.
5. Eat healthy food (& drink lots of water).
I’m not talking about going on a strict diet over here. But I am talking about being intentional to fuel your body well and drinking lots of water. Try to eat a balanced, nutritious diet. You’ll have more energy, a stronger immune system, and feel better about yourself when you are feeding your body well.
6. Read a book.
There are lots of great books you can read for free with Amazon Prime Reading!
7. Take a shower.
I don’t know about you, but there are some days where a good, long shower and drying my hair can make me feel like a whole new person.
8. Get dressed.
It doesn’t have to be fancy. Just be intentional to change out of pajamas. Even if that means changing into more glorified pajamas (aka leggings and a comfy tee for me). But you’ll feel better if you get dressed for the day.
And if you feel better, you’re setting yourself up for a better day.
9. Watch a movie or show.
Is there a movie or show you enjoy? Make time to watch it. Once a week, every other week, every day. Whatever works for you.
10. Do something fun with your family.
Do something fun with your family. This is one that I don’t think we talk about enough when it comes to self-care for moms. But, a fun, low-key family activity can do wonders for me. We’ve started having family movie afternoons here some weekends, or try to play games as a family when we can. And every time we do, I always end up feeling so refreshed.
It is fun to enjoy my boys and my husband. To put away our phones and our lists and just BE together.
11. Journal.
Writing is incredibly cathartic. Keeping a journal is a great way to take care of your mental health. Whether you write down your thoughts in a bulleted list, or are more long-winded. Take some time to write out your feelings, goals, hopes, etc.
12. Make a gratitude list.
On the topic of journaling – why not make a gratitude list? Commit to writing down at least one thing everyday that you are thankful for and watch how it changes your perspective.
13. Treat yourself to something that feels indulgent.
Ice cream. Something sweet. Coffee from a local shop. A new pair of jeans. Treat yourself every once in a while.
14. Go to sleep.
This is the one that I struggle with the most. It is so hard for me to turn my brain off and just simply go to sleep. But, there are SO many practical benefits to getting enough sleep. Take time to rest, mama. It really is one of the most foundational forms of self-care.
15. Get in the Word and pray.
Finally, make a regular habit of getting in the Word and praying. Now, I realize that not everyone reading this will be a Christian, but I would be remiss to leave this one out seeing as how it is the single most important part of self-care for me.
Along with putting my phone down, this is the one that has the most immediate, noticeable affect on my attitude, perspective, and emotions.
In this season of motherhood, I have found 4 things to be true over and over again:
- Getting in the Word requires discipline.
- It does not need to look the same everyday.
- It will not always be quiet or uninterrupted, and finally,
- God is faithful to meet us where we are. And he will complete the good work He has started.
Remember that Taking Care of Yourself is Taking Care of Your Family
Finally, I just want to give a little reminder in case you need it. Taking care of yourself is an important part of taking care of your family. When we make time to practice healthy self-care, we allow ourselves to be more present and patient with our children and our spouses.
By reducing our stress, we can literally change the atmosphere in our homes for the better.
This is such a great list! And thanks to this quarantine, I’m getting a rare opportunity to take a step back and re-assess. I do not want to go back to the way things were – all the chaos and rat race. I want normal to be a new normal and it will involve so much more self care and balance.
Mary Leigh, this was so beautifully written! Great tips! Thanks so much! Keeping them in the back of my mind. It’s so hard to remember to also take care of yourself but it’s so important!
-Holley @
These are fabulous ideas! I️ have started a few of these but you gave me some more great ideas!
Such a great post!!! I’ve found they getting up and dressed each morning has helped me a ton. On the few days I’ve lounged around, I had zero motivation and for nothing done. Such a great list with great advice.