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That said, the weather has been really nice over here recently so I’m not complaining one little bit. In fact, I am starting to itch for spring time. We made a special trip to a nearby playground last week and if I’m honest, it was so life-giving to be out in the sunshine while the temperatures are still pretty mild and to watch Little run around, climb, and go down the slides. I’m amazed at how much he has grown since the last time we were there.
We’re switching things up a little bit on the blog today and sharing a simple wrap-up and some of my favorite things from the month. I really enjoy when other bloggers do this, and many of you mentioned wanting to read some more casual, life update kinds of posts here, so this is it.
February Wrap-Up + Favorite Things
Oh man. February has been a whirlwind, y’all. You might remember that February 1 was actually my due date with Baby Hug, but since he decided to come early, we celebrated him turning one month this month instead. And so, we’ve spent this month mostly just adjusting to being a family of four. We’ve had a lot of successes and also lots of frustrations, but I think we’re getting on the right track.
There have been days where I’ve really felt like we’re making progress and other days where I’ve cried because I really wasn’t sure if I was going to make it until Hubs got home from work. Change isn’t easy. It’s been hard to not have as much time to spend with Little (for both of us), hard to remember all the things that go with having a newborn, hard to be waking up throughout the night again, hard to feel so torn in all directions. I want to mother well, and also be a good wife. I want to continue to grow the blog and also cook dinner (HUGE thank you to so many friends and family who have been helping us with this!). It’s just a season, but still.
February has also been really good to us. We’ve been blessed by so many people. We celebrated our 10th Valentine’s Day. It has started warming up outside so we’ve been outside more, which is good for us all. We are making progress towards our new normal and I’m excited for it. I am thankful every single day to be a wife to Hubs and Mama to our boys. Even on the hard days, we have much to be thankful for. (Now, to remember that in the middle of the hard days…)
And now some of the things we’ve been loving this month!
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February Favorites
Online Shopping
All the praise hands emojis for online shopping with two-day shipping. I have been adding things to our Amazon and Target card left and right. Frankly, when shipping is free and I know it will be here in just a few days, it is so much easier than getting both boys out.
Craft Time With Little
I’ve been trying to make sure to plan some fun activities with Little specifically for him this month. We’ve been spending lots of time at the library, which is his favorite, and we’ve also been doing some fun things at home. This month, we made a fun rainbow paper craft to talk about Noah’s Ark although I think it’s also great for St. Patrick’s Day, and a coat of many colors craft for the story of Joseph (I’m hoping to share this one on the blog soon).
Little has also really been loving Play-Doh recently so we decided to make our own using this recipe from Living Well Mom. It’s been really fun to mix all the ingredients together and “cook” our dough. Not to mention playing with it after. The recipe makes quite a bit, and it is really excellent for playing.
A New Hoodie for Hubs
Hubs recently got this Go Anywhere Hoodie c/o Tommy John Apparel, which has been really awesome as the weather is transitioning. It’s super lightweight and frankly, I think it looks great – so that’s a plus!
New Snacks for Me
I grabbed this bag of trail mix from Wal-Mart this month and LOVE it so much. I’m usually not a trail mix person (I don’t like pretzels at all), but this is so tasty. Of course it was sold out the next time I went, but I am on the hunt for it the next time I’m in the store. I even resorted to asking the brand on Instagram what retailers they were in just in case. Turns out, they’re also in Marshall’s, Home Goods, and TJ Maxx, so there’s that. #themoreyouknow
And I’ve been trying to eat better in general since I have got the baby weight still to lose. I realize that it’s only been 5 weeks, so I’m not beating myself up over it. Just acknowledging that if I’m going to lose it, there will probably be more healthy choices and some exercise involved.
Keeping Up on the Blog
And finally, I have surprisingly been able to somewhat keep up on the blog. I really enjoy this space and want to continue to see it grow. Before Hug arrived, I planned quite a bit of content out I’ve been working hard to squeeze in work time to get that out to you all on a consistent basis. I even hosted a giveaway this month, which was super exciting (and it’s a book that I LOVE, so I know it will be a great blessing to the winner!)
If I’m being completely honest though, there are times when I’m looking at my content calendar and drawing total blanks. Sometimes the creativity is flowing and other times, it just isn’t. I’ve been working on a list for March and I’ve got some exciting things moving into the spring, but I’d love any input if you have thoughts on things you’d like to see here. So far, it seems like you all like kids’ activities and mothering posts, but I’m always open to new ideas.
In Case You Missed It
And in case you missed anything on the blog this month, feel free to catch up with the posts below!
Postpartum Essentials for Recovery & Nursing
A Decade of Valentine’s Days: Our Love Story
Speaking Life to Our Children: “You Are: A Book of Declarations” Review + Giveaway
8 Simple Ways to Help a New Mom
My Birth Story: Welcoming our Second Son
And that’s that. I hope you all have a really excellent week this week! I’ll see you again in March!
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Girl, I haven’t been seeing as much on Instagram so I figured you were taking a break (now subscribed so hopefully won’t miss:), but nope, here you are killing it!!!! Adjusting to 2 and 4 have been the hardest for me so far so give yourself a pat on the back. Shoot me a message if you ever want to commiserate on the wonders that are Motherhood!! Also, I love the rainbow craft <3
Thanks so much, lady! Hoping to get back on IG more frequently, but only so much mental capacity these days. Trying to focus on doing things well rather than doing all the things, you know?
Nice update! I don’t have a new baby and I am not updating as well as you on my blog. I think I have been doing some reevaluating and tweaking some routines so that I can find my groove so I applaud you for getting it done! Weather has been moody on our end. It was cold the past few days with temperatures dipping below 30s and today it rained. Not sure what to or will be like but I got my different gears ready for whatever Mother Nature wants to go with. I hope you are having a great day!
Maureen |
Thank you so much, Maureen! I am so grateful for you following along! Nothing wrong with taking a break sometimes! I’m excited to see what you come up with next on the blog!