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Five on Friday: A Weekly Round-up with Live Well Play Together

Happy Friday and welcome to another edition of Five Things on Friday!  I hope you’ve had a great week and I’m glad that you’re spending part of your Friday with me.  If you’ve been around here, you know the routine.  If you’re new here, welcome!

Fridays are my favorites here on the blog because it’s a fun chance to share snippets of life with you that might not otherwise make it into a full post.  It’s a fun and casual way to chat about our week and share some of the things that have been going on.  Anyway, get some coffee, or whatever you pick and let’s talk a little while.

Also, be sure to check out lots of other great Five on Friday posts at these link ups:

Five on Friday | Friday Favorites | Friday Favorites | High Five for Friday | Friday Faves

#ChoosingContentment a Challenge from Choosing Better

My sweet friend, Traci over at Choosing Better recently shared how and why she uses a contentment journal this week and is hosting a little contentment challenge in the month of June as an encouragement to each of us to seek out the beautiful and lovely things in our lives on a daily basis.  This post was really challenging to me as I have had several days of feeling overwhelmed here lately.  I am hoping to get on board with this challenge ASAP.  Be sure to check out Traci’s post for more information and follow along with the hashtag #choosingcontentment on Instagram.

Time in the Swimming Pool

Fill up a plastic swimming pool for summer fun with your toddler

After our beach trip over Memorial Day, I was feeling motivated to clean out Little’s swimming pool for the summer.  Thankfully, Hubs did most of the work and I’m happy to report that we have already enjoyed several afternoons in the pool together!  Little loves it and so do I.  (Side note:  He sometimes calls it a “swimmy pool” and I don’t even correct him because it melts my heart so.)

A New Series on the Blog

This has been a really good week for the blog and I am really thankful for that.  On Wednesday, I launched a new “What Mama Wore” series that I hope to post monthly with simple style ideas for mamas on the go.  The launch was well received and I’m glad that people are excited about it.

I also updated this post, which is timely since it’s on breastfeeding and we are so close to being weaned fully at this point.

A Fun Playdate

Yesterday, we had four other mamas over for a fun arts and crafts playdate.  We did a “things that go” themed craft with tissue paper and contact paper.  It was similar to our Valentine’s Day craft, and used all the same supplies – just a different theme.  I plan to post some of the project details soon-ish.  The toddlers were half way interested in the craft and mostly interested in playing, which is totally fine with me!  It’s always fun to be with friends.

The Non-Existent Cleaning Routine in Our House

Finally, I am on the hunt for a cleaning routine that works well for our family.  Before I started blogging more seriously, this wasn’t a huge issue.  I cleaned during Little’s nap and there was always time to get things mostly done.  Now that I’m working here, I really need to find a routine that works well for us to have focused areas to work on daily so that I can keep this house running well and still have time to work on the blog without getting overwhelmed.  I’ve pinned lots of ideas on Pinterest, but I am always open to suggestions.  Of course, every home is different, so I’m sure I’ll tweak whatever I find to fit our family.  And if I find something that works, you better believe I’ll share it.


That’s it for us this week.  We are visiting some friends tonight and hopefully relaxing this weekend around home.  Maybe I’ll get started on that cleaning routine this weekend?  Who even knows.

Anyway, what’s up with you this weekend?  Let me know if you’ve got any fun things going on!

Five Things on Friday: A Weekly Round-up with Live Well Play Together

If you like what you’re reading, I would love to have you follow along either by subscribing via email or joining me on social media.  And be sure to say hi!  Send me an email to let me know what you’d like to see on the blog!



    1. Mary Leigh says:

      Thanks so much, Melissa! I appreciate you stopping by!

  1. I clean every Monday like a 1950s housewife. I have no set washing and ironing day though so I don’t think I’ve quite become my grandmother just yet.

    1. Mary Leigh says:

      Nothing wrong with that! I need to get in a good routine so I can be more efficient around here!

  2. I love watching my daughter play in the pool! Also, I’m going to check out the contentment challenge. It sounds like a great way to start the summer!

    1. Mary Leigh says:

      It is so fun! You definitely should check out the challenge – I think you would really enjoy Traci’s blog!

  3. I am loving your sandals! I’ve been wanting to get a little pool for our boys. I really need to make that happen. I was just thinking this morning that I could totally use some kind of cleaning schedule!

    1. Mary Leigh says:

      Thanks – they are crocs, but I don’t think they make that style anymore (I got them in 2015). I’ve loved them so much – they are perfect for the summer! I bet your boys would love it! We have so much fun with the little pool!

    1. Mary Leigh says:

      Thanks! I’m hoping to add to it monthly, so stay tuned! 🙂

  4. I love Traci’s idea for a contentment challenge and your new simple fashion series. I always tend to love looks that are simple styles. Have a great weekend! Jess at Just Jess

    1. Mary Leigh says:

      Thanks so much, Jess! I am excited about the series and the contentment challenge! I need that reminder often!

  5. So glad to have found your blog! Love the idea for What Mama Wore, I’ll have to check that out. And YES, household chores and cleaning are the first thing I slack on when it comes to being home with kids and fitting in blogging.

    1. Mary Leigh says:

      Thanks, Laura! I’m glad that you stopped by! I’m hoping to add to this series on a monthly basis, so keep your eyes peeled for it! It can be tough to find a balance and I’m definitely still working on it!

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