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Happy Friday, again, friends! And a big HELLO this week! I have been totally MIA over here this week, which is ironic a little bit after a great post last week about blogging tips including being consistent. Such is life. The truth is, I didn’t have any posts finalized for the week and we were away on vacation, and life just happened.
But, I am back today and I’m happy to report that I’ve got several drafts being finalized so we should be back to our regularly scheduled programming now.
This week was short, but still full with the holiday. So without further ado, let’s get started!
If you’re into these sorts of posts, be sure to check out lots of other great Five on Friday posts at these link ups:
Five on Friday | Friday Favorites | Friday Favorites | High Five for Friday | Friday Faves
A Family Weekend at the Beach
We had a great weekend at the beach for the 4th. Little loves the ocean and the swimming pool and we love to watch him learn and explore! We actually drove back home on the 3rd to avoid holiday traffic and spent the 4th hanging out locally, going to the museum and cooking out with friends. It was a full and fun weekend, but we were thankful to spend it with friends and family.
Homemade Pops
Before we went to the beach, I bought these Ice Pop Molds from Amazon to try my hand at making pops at home. Little loves pops so much and asks for them frequently. I haven’t been impressed with the pops I find in stores and really wanted something without extra sugar or artificial sweeteners. I’m happy to report that these pops were a big hit. I just mixed about 12 strawberries, 1 banana, and a cup of orange juice in the Ninja and froze them for about 6 hours. The molds worked great and the pops tasted delicious. I see many more homemade pops in our summer!
A New Devotional
I recently started reading When God Says Wait by Elizabeth Thompson and so I was thrilled to receive a copy of In Due Time devotional this week from Caroline Harries. I’m excited to read these two together. I don’t have a particular THING I feel like I’m waiting on in this season of life, but I definitely have had seasons of waiting and friends who are waiting, so I’m excited to dive in more fully to both of these resources over the next few weeks.
A Broken Camera
On a less than exciting note, my camera is broken for the time being. Little and I were “water painting” in the garage last week right before heading out to the beach. I had my camera with us to capture some pictures of Little being so handsome and having fun, but left it alone for just a minute when Little decided that Mama’s camera should water paint also. The camera was dunked and now has an all black screen when I turn it on. Photos come out in all black. The good news is that the memory card and battery weren’t affected so I still have access to all the photos I took before. I plan to take it to a camera repair shop to more fully assess the damage and make some decisions about repair versus buying a new camera. I wanted to get a DSLR for my birthday or Christmas this year, so I might end up waiting to purchase a nicer camera. This obviously has some implications for the blog since I can’t take photos on my camera at the moment, but I’m hoping to figure it out as we go.
Just another reminder that everything is something to be explored and played with in a child’s mind. (aka don’t leave expensive things laying around in reach – especially when doing water activities!) I couldn’t even be upset with Little. He truly was excited for the camera to water paint. Alas.
New Felt Sets for Little
Finally, I am really excited to have made a couple new felt sets for Little. We love playing with our felt board and he has really enjoyed these new sets. Next week, I plan to share the tutorial for this sweet Itsy Bitsy Spider set that I recently made along with stencils for you to make your own! Stay tuned for that.
In Case You Missed It
You didn’t miss a single post here this week, but I wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who visited the blog and left sweet notes and comments and/or shared posts. Last month’s page views were almost double that of May, which made me really excited! I enjoy this space so much so it makes me really glad to see it growing.
So excited to make the round up! I can’t wait to hear what you think about In Due Time 🙂
Absolutely! I am really enjoying it! Such a great, easy, and truth packed devotion for each day!
Your felt set is super cute! And thank you for sharing what sounds like a really simple recipe for homemade pops. I, too, have not found any store-bought ones that I’m super happy about, so I’m excited to try this. Glad to have found you over from the SITS Girls Sharefest!
You should totally try the pops! They were so easy – literally blend the fruit, add the juice and freeze. And those molds from Amazon are amazing. They are SO easy to use and clean! I have been so happy with them.
Stay tuned for the felt set, I’ve just finished up making a complete traceable stencil set that will publish on Wednesday so you can make your own!
Glad you had a great vacation. I have been wanting to make my own pops at home, you make it sound so easy! Happy Friday
Thank you! You should make your own pops! They are so easy and there are so many different combinations of flavors that you can try! And the molds make it REALLY a breeze to make them and keep them stored easily in the freezer until you want to eat them!
Happy Friday! I took a little blogging break too and it kind of felt really good. I love that you also spent sometime at the beach. I hope you get everything situated with your camera! Have a great weekend.
Beautifully Candid
Thank you, Sierra! I am still deciding what to do with the camera – what a bummer! But we did have a great vacation and a great weekend, so no complaints here! Isn’t it nice to unplug and take a break every now and then?
I totally feel you on life happening and messing up the consistency! I had that happen this week, too. Those pops sound delicious. I have a zoku and never, ever use it, but these make me want to bust it out!
You should! They are so easy and you can really come up with some great, healthy recipes!
I’m so sorry about your camera!!! But your vacationing sounds amazing?? Right? I need to check out both those devotionals! Hope you have an awesome weekend!
ugh! Me too, but I couldn’t even be mad at Little for learning. And vacation was wonderful as was the weekend, so no complaints here! I hope your week is off to a great start!