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I wanted to do a Mother’s Day Gift Guide for y’all this year, but I just wasn’t able to pull it together. (And if I did pull it together, it might have been titled, “I don’t need a spa day, but I would like some sleep.”)
Instead, I decided to write a post to reflect on and celebrate motherhood. That’s the point of Mother’s Day anyway, right?
The truth is, as a blogger, I try to write things that I think you might want to or need to read about. But often as I’m writing, I realize that I need to write these sorts of posts for myself, too. I need them to help my perspective and I need them to look back on during the hard days.
You see, motherhood is messy. It’s hard and it’s chaotic. But it is also wonderful. Wonderful and beautiful and totally awe-inspiring. In many ways, motherhood is nothing like I imagined it to be and still everything I’d hoped for.
Today I want to talk about 10 things that motherhood has taught me and reminded me of. And as a special treat, I’ve partnered up with some of my favorite bloggers to share their own stories about motherhood this week. So be sure to scroll to the bottom and check out their posts as well!
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10 Things that Motherhood has Taught Me
Motherhood has taught me that there are lots of ways to be a great mom.
Remember that instruction manual they gave you at the hospital when you checked out to take your sweet little baby home? No? Yeah, me either. Women have been mothering since the beginning of time and still, there isn’t a fail-proof guide. It’s because every one is different. Every mama is different, every baby is different, every family dynamic is a little bit different. And that is a GOOD THING.
You see, there are so many ways to be a great mom. What works for me might or might not work for you. But when we share with one another and build one another up, we can all learn a little something. Am I right? Yes.
And that mom brain is a real thing.
I know you’ve heard of mom brain before. The “I have to write it down immediately or I will forget it”, the “I am hearing what you are saying, but no I didn’t process it. Please repeat”, the “where is my phone again? Oh, yes. My back pocket.” Mom brain is a real thing. And it doesn’t get better with more kids, I’ve learned.
There are things I used to be so good at remembering that are simply lost to me now it feels like.
There are other things that I can remember better though. What Little has been snacking on. When the last time was that he had something for dinner that wasn’t chicken nuggets. How long nap time was and what time it ended. Doctor’s appointments. The list goes on. Of course, I still rely heavily on lists and my planner, but I’ve gotten a lot more efficient about remembering those things.
You see, motherhood doesn’t take away your brain’s capacity – it just shifts it to different things.
Motherhood has reminded me that good friends are solid gold.
One thing I preach all the time around here is community. The old saying “it takes a village to raise a child” is accurate, y’all. I cannot even tell you how grateful I am for my neighbor who asks if we can go for a walk at the end of a long day or the friend who will meet me at the park early in the morning to accommodate nap times. The friend without kids who comes by for dinner when Hubs works late and plays with Little while I put Hug down for bed.
Motherhood has taught me that I just cannot do it alone. We all need someone to vent to, to laugh with, get advice from, and so on.
I really believe that friendships are necessary. And when you find a good, deep connection friend. Do not let them go.
And that Strong marriages take work.
Similarly to the point above, motherhood has taught me that strong marriages don’t get that way on cruise control. Hubs and I make a really great team. I am thankful every single day for him and the way that he loves and leads and serves our family so well.
But, I would be lying if I said that having kids hasn’t changed some things in our marriage. We just don’t have the time to ourselves or for one another that we used to have. And while I always expected that, what I didn’t expect was how hard it would be to carve that time out. I could write a whole blog post about this alone, but suffice it to say that we’ve learned a lot since becoming parents about being intentional in our communication and our time together. To really prioritize our marriage and one another.
I don’t think we’ll ever stop learning, but there is no one else I’d rather be on this journey with.
Motherhood has taught me to use my imagination again.
Adults get out of the habit of imagination and it’s really too bad. There is absolutely nothing I know of better than spending time with a little one to learn how to use your imagination again.
We’ve built farms and zoos, jungles and seas. We’ve marched around in parades, and colored with chalk. And a favorite things now to do is for Little to ask us to tell him a story. He’ll give us two things the story should be about and then we tell him the rest. Some examples: “a hippo and a watermelon” and “a cow and a giraffe.”
This isn’t always the easiest for me to do on my own, and I am so thankful for my boys who without knowing it, inspire my own creativity and imagination. They make me more playful and silly and I absolutely want to embrace it all.
So the next time your child asks you to take a trip to the moon with them, climb up in that rocket ship, Mama.
And that just because something doesn’t come naturally, doesn’t mean you can’t be good at it.
Okay. Truth be told, I was mostly reminded this from one of the books I read this year, I’m Failing at This Thing Called Home, (which I highly recommend). It’s a book that is largely about homemaking and in it the author encourages readers that might not think of themselves as naturally gifted at things like organization, or cleaning routines to simply practice. Not to get stuck in the “I’m not good at that” mindset, but instead to just practice until you are good at it.
I think about this in terms of so many things that I do as a mom – meal planning, putting together fun activities for Little, playing pretend, tackling our laundry, etc.
Just because something doesn’t come naturally, doesn’t mean you can’t do it and you can’t do it well. Maybe you could just start practicing.
Motherhood has taught me how to say “no” more easily.
Y’all. Can I tell you one of the most powerful words you can use? No. That’s it. No. Because every time you choose to say “no” to something, you are saying “yes” to something else – hopefully something better and more important. Since becoming a mom, I’ve had to learn to say no more and more. Because I have to say “yes” to what’s best for our family and our children. Sometimes that’s not going out to dinner because it conflicts with baby’s bedtime. Sometimes it’s missing a birthday party that conflicts with nap time.
My biggest tip for this is to determine what the most important things are that you want to say “yes” to. Then say “no” to everything that doesn’t allow that.
And has reminded me that no one has it all together all the time.
That’s not even a thing that happens in real life. Sure, we post our highlights on social media and I blog about the fun activities we do around here. But, that’s only a snippet. The other times, I’m repeating myself again, washing dishes from two nights ago, or dousing my hair in dry shampoo because, no I didn’t have time to wash my hair last night.
I always post these sorts of things to be an encouragement to you. That’s why you’ll always see my reminder on craft posts that the fun is in the process, not necessarily the finished product. As moms, there are days we’ve got it totally together, and some days we don’t. Don’t judge your crazy day to someone else’s best day. It’s just not even worth it.
Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and start over tomorrow. Or after nap time.
Motherhood has reminded me to savor every season because these days go by so fast.
Finally, motherhood has reminded me that the days go by so quickly. Like so incredibly quickly. The good days, the hard days, the sleep regressions and teething – they all pass by and then they’re gone. Motherhood has taught me how to embrace each season and to find something to be thankful for at the end of everyday, but especially the hard days.
I never ever ever want to take these days for granted because I know I can’t ever get them back. There are such sweet things about each of my boys that I always want to remember – the scruchy face toddler smile, the uninhibited baby laugh. Every little detail. I just wish I could bottle it right up.
And since I can’t I’ll just be over here trying to soak it all up.
Motherhood has changed me for good.
It’s hard to fully put into words the way that motherhood changes a person. There isn’t anything that can adequately prepare you for it, either. Motherhood has taught me to be less selfish and less rushed. It has taught me to be more gracious and empathetic towards others. It’s made me slow down and be patient. It’s taught me about grace and forgiveness and love. So much love.
It’s taught me more about the gospel and my faith than anything else. My heart is bigger, my hands are fuller, and my faith is stronger.
Some days, it’s hard to remember what life was like before having kids and other days, what I wouldn’t give to be able to have a girls’ night any night I wanted or to go out with Hubs spontaneously.
But y’all this is where I am. Motherhood is truly a refining process. It has brought out the best and the worst in me. It’s made me laugh and cry and beam with joy – sometimes all at once.
This is my favorite.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mama!
Will you join me in celebrating motherhood this week? Be sure to check out some of the posts below for more stories of motherhood from some of my favorite bloggers below.
What is something that you’ve learned through motherhood? Let me know in the comments!
Yes to all of these! I think you’ve shared a lot of the things that I feel about motherhood as well. I love that you are so honest and real about your feelings because that is what people identify with. Thanks for inviting me to participate in this blog hop! 🙂
Absolutely! I think you gain new an different perspectives with each child, too!
Oh I absolutely loved reading this and I found myself nodding at every single one. Mom brain is such a real thing, I’m surprised I can even finish a complete sentence. And, who knew that having kids would make marriage that much more work?? Eeek but it’s all worth it!! Beautiful, truth filled post <3 Jamie
Thank you so much! You are rocking it!
Lovely post. It’s making the most of things for me. My little one always wants cuddles at the moment and I know that will be gone and I shouldn’t resent it when she wants me constantly!! It’s hard but I’m trying. Thanks for sharing with #bloggersbest
So beautifully written! Thank you for sharing at Mommy Moments last week! This was the top viewed link and will be featured in this week’s link up. Congratulations and Happy Mother’s Day!
Thank you so much!
Motherhood has taught me many things as well. And off course mommy brain is real!
New fan from the Sharefest link party
Thank you so much! Mom brain definitely is a real thing!
Omg I feel all of this. Very well said.
Thank you so much! Happy Mother’s Day!
You’ve got the right perspective! Great lessons! Happy Mother’s Day!
Thanks so much; Happy Mother’s Day to you, too!
Aw, what a wonderful post. I can’t motherhood was what I expected it to be either but I do love it so much. The days are long but the years are short– I never really understood that expression until I had kids. My boys are all aged 10-14 now and I can still remember when they were infants and toddlers; it feels like it was just yesterday. Pinned.
I think you are so right – I totally understand how quickly the years pass by now that I’ve had kids. It goes by way too quickly!
“motherhood is nothing like I imagined it to be and still everything I’d hoped for”
I can totally relate to this! It’s strange, isn’t it? Great list, I definitely agree that I’ve changed for the better, too!
Thanks so much! It really brings about so many changes!
Amen friend. This is just what I needed this morning over coffee. Have a great rest of the day!
I’m so glad! I hope you have the best Mother’s Day!
I have definitely learnt to pick my battles when it comes to motherhood. Ever tried arguing with a three year old?! Agree with all these things xx
Yes! This is a really good point! Picking your battles is so important with little ones. One of my favorite things to do is give 2 choices of things that I’m ok with and then letting him choose activities that way. So he still “gets his way” and I’m ok with either choice!
I love this post because I am a mom too and everything hit home. I know times can get rough and tough with a little one but there are those times that are just priceless! Thank you for putting this post together! I am passing it on to my girl friends who are moms too that appreciate reading things like this. I hope your week is going well so far.
Maureen |
Oh, Maureen – I’m so glad you enjoyed this! I appreciate you sharing it!
These are great reminders. Motherhood has definitely humbled me. I am so blessed to have my children, children-in-love, and grandchildren. So many lessons to learn.
Ohhh, humbling is a great word to use – I think we all experience that. It is a sort of breaking that is good for us, I think!
This is so perfectly written, girl. I love that it is so down to earth and not the typical answers. And yes, mom brain is so real and bad *insert laugh crying emoji face* !!
Thank you so much! I really appreciate that. You know we try to keep it real over here!
I love this so much!! And thank you again for putting all of this together. It has been so fun connecting with others and getting to read their thoughts. I had to laugh because mom brain is totally a thing. I used to say it all the time when it carried over from pregnancy brain and people would look at me like I was nuts. How many years later and I still have it lol. Sierra~Beautifully Candid
Absolutely; I loved doing it! Mom brain is definitely real! But it doesn’t mean less smart – just shifted focus!
I loved your list and agree 100%! Hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Thank you so much! We had a great time; I hope you did too!
Yes, yes and yes!! These are all things I feel motherhood has brought out in me too and it is such a blessing! I’m kinda bummed you didn’t share a round up post because your title totally made me LOL 🙂
There’s always next year for that round-up! 😉
Thank you so much for this! It was such a wonderful and heartfelt post! I can not even believe all the ways that motherhood has changed me and I honestly would not have it any other way!!
Thanks for linking up @LiveLifeWell
I’m so glad you enjoyed it! It really is crazy how significantly parenting changes a person. I am thankful every day for it!
Such a great point that just because something doesn’t come naturally we can’t take it on! There is SO MUCH in this mothering journey that I’ve had to work at to acquire, and it’s been worth the effort. I need to carry that with me into middle age now!
It is definitely something that I am learning and having to take responsibility for – that I might not be good at some things or even really like them, but I CAN practice them and get better at them if there is something that needs to be done or that I want to get better at!
I really love this, Mary! Mom brain made me smile, and you spoke so many words of truth here. I’m the mom of two little ones, and this journey is teaching me more than I ever imagined! Thanks for your inspiration to ponder the many lessons!
Thank you so much, Stacey! Mom brain is so real! Two little ones over here too, and we are constantly learning new things!