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We’re in the twos these days over here with Little and man, what a whirlwind this season is! I really don’t love the phrase “terrible twos” for a number of reasons, but mostly because I don’t really think it’s that terrible. Little is learning so much and part of that is his learning to reason and test boundaries. That’s normal – not terrible. I could write a whole separate post on my thoughts about this…
But, at the end of the day, I think we can just all admit that some days just don’t go as planned. Some days take every single bit out of you and leave you a mess before bedtime.
Maybe that’s you today. Or maybe it was you yesterday. It might even be you next week.
I don’t know what your hard day looks like.
It might look like a fun activity that you spent time planning specifically for your little one who decided it wasn’t a big deal and wouldn’t get dressed to get out of the door.
It might look like water everywhere after you just cleaned up because someone decided that you put their drink in the wrong cup. Or 3 meals left on the counter that no one touched while you eat cereal for dinner.
It might just look like your sweet little one being sick and feeling like there is nothing you can do. (This is the worst, I think.)
Maybe it looks like not having a shower in three days or a solid night’s rest in even longer.
Perhaps it just means being told “no!” a hundred times during the day when all you want is to get your kid what they want – you just need them to follow the rules to get there.
Or maybe, it is just the sound of you repeating the same thing over. and over. because you know how important it is to be consistent. (I mean, we know this, but good grief, it would be so much easier to just give in sometimes.)
It could just be that everything you need to do takes longer than expected or doesn’t go as planned…even if your kid is behaving perfectly.
If you can relate to any of that today, Mama, I want to share some encouragement with you. These are the things I cling to during those days. The things that I must remind myself on a regular basis. This are the truths that keep me from being overcome.
Your Work Matters
Like, really matters. It matters to your children, your family, and it matters to God. The seeds you are planting now in the way that you speak to your children, the way you discipline them and show them love, they are seeds that are taking root. I’ve been reading a great devotional recently called Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood. It’s been a great and challenging way for me to dig in and apply the truth of God’s word to my parenting. One passage that has really struck me is the following:
“The work you do in your home is of great significance. As a pastor once said, ‘All should realize the sublime idea that their houses are schools for eternity; their children the scholars; themselves the teachers; & Evangelical religion the lesson.’ Never doubt that your labors matter. The mundane moments of your day become sacred when viewed with the right understanding of your calling.”
Our children see the way we work to take care of our homes and families, and them. If you work outside of the home, they see that, too. They see you balancing so many things. The way that we work around and with our children is helping to form them into the people they are becoming. Sure, they have their own personalities, but the work you do is so important. So very important in shaping their little hearts and minds.
God’s Grace is Sufficient
“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness.’ Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
Mama – give yourself some grace. Better yet, accept the grace that Christ offers to you freely. His grace is sufficient for what you need today. His power is made perfect in your weakness. One of the beautiful parts of hard days is that they remind us just how not together we are in our own strength. When we reach the end of ourselves, we are reminded of our dependence on Christ and when we get to that place, and really hand over control – that’s the sweet spot. To be parenting with Christ and relying on his strength and grace for ourselves and for our kids.
His Mercies are New Every. Single. Morning.
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23
For the days that seem to just take it all out of you and you are totally wiped out before bedtime, there is this promise. His steadfast love never ceases. His mercies are new every single morning. So, get some rest. Go to sleep and know that when you wake up, it will be a new day with new mercies. Another shot.
Your Work is Worship
“So , whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31
I like to identify the “whatever you do” in my own life as all the mundane things that go into my role as a mom (and specifically a stay-at-home mom). It’s all those things that on the surface are not glamorous. It’s the dishes and the cooking, the laundry and the putting away, the changing diapers and potty training. It’s making sure the pantry is stocked and there are snacks in the diaper bag. Wiping snot while reading the same book over and over again, and totally forgetting what popular music even sounds like these days. It’s in welcoming others into your mess and inviting them to partake in your home with you. All of these things.
Let us serve our families well in response to the great grace that’s been given to us in Christ Jesus. These “whatever you do-s” – these mundane same old same olds – these are our acts of worship. Let’s not waste them.
This is a lovely post and so full of positivity!! Thanks for sharing with #BloggersBests
Thank you so much!
A great read! I agree that two is not terrible. Each phase of parenting brings about new challenges, while some things get easier. I loved the quote about our every day work in our homes being so meaningful! Hope you & your family had a great weekend!!
Thank you so much! I love this stage a lot – it is definitely not without its challenges, but everyday really is a new adventure!
Very encouraging for us busy moms!
Thanks so much; I’m glad you enjoyed it!
The twos are HARD. We’re going through them for the 3rd time, and it’s definitely different with a 30-lb wrecking ball, I mean, boy. Thanks for putting some encouragement out there and thanks so much for sharing at the #happynowlinkup!
Absolutely! We only have a boy (with another on the way) so it is always fun and crazy around here! It is definitely a challenging season, but I try to keep things in perspective and soak in all the little moments.
Such encouraging words mama…everyone needs to hear this sometimes!!
I agree – I need to re-read it myself many days! <3
Such encouraging words – thank you! We moms need a stead diet of grace and mercy, don’t we? Thank you for sharing your heart with us.
I’m stopping by today from Simple Homestead Blog Hop 🙂
We definitely do! I am happy to share and thankful that others found it encouraging as well! <3
It’s so easy to wish those hard days away. Although we probably wouldn’t always recognize that’s what we’re doing. I need a lot of work in this area still. But I’ve been discovering the more I look to God, the more I can focus on the best thing. For me, that means I accept His Grace in all the things that I just can’t do because it’s I’m not in a season that allows it. Also changing my expectations has helped tremendously. Expectations of myself and of my children. Thank you for sharing your heart and your encouragement!
Expectations are important as is embracing the season that you’re in! But most importantly, you hit the nail on the head – when we stay focused on Christ, then we can really focus on what’s important each day!
Being a mom is tough, thanks for the encouragement, we all need more of it.
I know that’s right! I wrote this post with hopes to encourage others, but also because I just really needed it written down as a reminder to myself on some days!
Thank you for writing this. Being a mama is tough and some days are just really hard to get through but we get through them and we live to tell the tale. I am fortunate to be a mama because as hard as my day gets I don’t know what it would mean not having a little prince or princess. My son drives me nuts on a daily basis but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I hope you are having a great week.
I totally agree! Each day (and sometimes each hour) is a new day. It is not always glamorous, but it is always worth it. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I am thankful everyday to be my boy’s mama.
I love this so much! Momming so so hard sometimes. We had one of those rough days on Sunday and then another one on Monday. But our perspective about motherhood and the “long game” is so important to both our sanity and how we approach our parenting. I started a joy journal a little bit ago and it’s been so helpful to take a minute at the end of each day and write down something that brought me joy. Sure, on the hard days it usually takes a little more thinking, but those things are there if we look for them and ask for our eyes to be opened to them.
So hard! A joy journal sounds like such a good idea for so many reasons! I also love what you mentioned about the long game. I try to remember this, too and it definitely helps put things into perspective! There really is joy in every day – even it only little slivers of it on some days – it’s there if we’ll search for it!
I so agree. When my girls were little I would wish those days away. But now I wish that they were back now at ages 22,19 and 15 they don’t need me as much as I miss those days.
Thank you so much, Melissa! Mine is only 2 and it feels like time is going by so quickly!
This is so sweet and tender. I’m totally sharing these verses with my momma friends for the tough days ahead 💗
-xo, Azanique |
Thanks so much, Azanique! I need to remind myself of these often!
This was wonderful! Thank you so much for the encouragement on those hard days. And there are plenty of them. I love that we can remember in those days that we are supposed to be relying on the Father to supply us with all of our needs as we parent. He is there for us at all times!
Thanks so much for linking up with us at the Live Life Well link up! We are so thankful to have such encouraging content for our readers! Hope to see you next week as well! 🙂
Absolutely! There are certainly plenty of those days – or even those moments! All really great opportunities to pause, step back, and remember where our strength comes from.
Whew, you mamas have a hard job! Thanks for spreading encouragement for others!
It’s definitely not easy, but I think it’s mostly fun! I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
Parenting is terribly challenging, days can seem so long. I think remembering a few things, one even, that you can be grateful for that day helps. I need to practice it more…
That is a really great idea! I try to make a habit of reminding our son of all the things that I enjoyed about him that day before we go to bed. It’s a really good way to help keep things in perspective!
This is so sweet! I am not a mom yet, but I watched my little niece this weekend and saw how hard it is to be a mom.
Thank you so much. It is truly the most challenging and rewarding roles I’ve ever had!
I definitely needed to hear this today! My three are 11, 8, and 2, so it’s been a while since we had a toddler in the house. I’ve forgotten how challenging they can be sometimes! Keep telling myself this is just a phase. I’ll miss these toddler years someday, right? Thanks for keeping it real!
Totally just a phase – a mostly fun phase – but definitely not without challenges. That’s all seasons, though, right? Happy to keep it real – some days are just like that!
This is so beautiful! It’s amazing how these words can apply to so many situations yet are still so meaningful for each individual season of life.
I totally agree! They really are good reminders for any stage of life you’re in!
I so needed to read this today! Thanks for the reminder!
I am so glad! I think we all need this on some days; I know I definitely do!
This is such a great message to those mothers out there! You are ALL AMAZING! You can apply this to anyone’s hard day, too. I love this. I’m a caregiver to my mom, but in reality, I am like a mother to my mom because of the care I give her or help her with. Thank you for the inspiration in this post!
Thank you so much! I think this totally applies as a caregiver! My mom was also the primary caregiver to my grandmother during her battle with Alzheimer’s and I can totally understand where you’re coming from having seen my mom take care of her mom. Your work is so important and it is really excellent that you are able to be there with and for your mom!
Don’t we all have those rough days? These are such amazing reminders of what we should be focusing on!
Oh yes! Thank you so much; I’m glad that it was encouraging to you. To be honest, I need to re-read this often myself!
So encouraging. So true. We mothers have all had moments like this.
Haven’t we?! Thank you so much for stopping by!
I’m not a mom, but I love that these truths can be applied to almost every scenario in life. Thanks for sharing!
It’s true – they really are applicable no matter what your situation or stage of life! I appreciate you reading, and hope it was encouraging to you! <3
Thanks so much for sharing this, Mary Leigh. I have twin toddlers – 2.5 year old boys, and this sounds like my days all the time. I can relate to so much of this…trying to get out the door and he just won’t put on his jacket, waiting for everyone to use the potty before we can go anywhere, food left from every meal b/c they won’t eat it, being a short order cook… I had a few of my less-than-stellar mom moments last week . But this is such sound advice…I totally appreciate the ‘new every morning’ (I sing that to my boys at nap and bedtime) and giving yourself grace. Great article. Good to know we mommies are in this together. Will be sharing on my FB page 🙂
Oh my goodness – so much yes to this! And I only have one right now. It can be so tough – and trying on our patience. But, every single morning and often just different times of the day are fresh opportunities to regroup, refocus, and try again – together. It really does take a village.
I appreciate you sharing also! <3
Thanks for sharing! I’m not a mom yet, but I have a lot of them in my life and it’s definitely not an easy job. Encouragement is always needed!
Absolutely! It is certainly not easy, but I am thankful everyday for it!
I loved this so much! So beautifully written and so encouraging. I know that especially just the concept of how much your work matters will mean so much to so many mommas out there.
Thank you so much! It really does! It’s good and important to remember that all these little, mundane things add up and they are ALL important. Even when it feels like we have swept the floor a thousand times and we just cannot keep up with the dishes. It all matters. So much.
I love that you share it’s important to give yourself grace. That is something I tell all my friends that are new moms. It’s so important especially in the age of instagram and pinterest making everything appear perfect.
Yes! Grace. Grace. Grace. It’s especially important for new moms to hear and you are right – especially in such a heavily social media saturated world where we are constantly shown the highlight reels of other people’s lives.
I love these kinds of posts. There’s really never going to be enough of them because we need constant encouragement. I’ve been having a rough time lately because I am swamped at work. So, this was especially good to read. Thanks.
Hang in there, Mama! Your work matters, too! You are so right – we all need encouragement and I’m glad that you were encouraged by this! I hope you have a wonderful and restful weekend!
Your work absolutely does matter and it’s the tough days that make the good days even sweeter. There is no substitute for the time you spend with your children. Mine are now 22, 19, and 16 and I don’t regret one moment I spent rearing them. They are now delightful young adults and are a pleasure to be around. (Ok, most of the time…. It is hilarious on a Thanksgiving weekend to all pile in the car and there they are in the back seat poking and taunting each other like they are 10.) A wise preacher once told me that the key to parenting is just not giving up.
This is so encouraging, Laura! I think that is really great advice! We definitely try to be consistent over here. I am thankful every single day that I get to be with my little one – even on the hard days. I don’t want to waste any little minute!
What wonderful and inspiring advice. Thank you!
For sure! Thank you so much for stopping by!
I had one of ‘those’ days this past weekend. It was just as you said: ‘everything was taking longer than planned’. So much so, that I ran out of time to take a shower. It was not a fun morning. Thanks for this wonderful post to remind us that we are all in this together and that our work is so important!
I really believe that it takes a village! And we all have those days – so we need to build one another up! Hang in there, Mama!
What’s that saying about what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger? On the hardest of hard days, I hope that my kids are learning how to deal with difficult situations.
That is a really good perspective. I try to keep in mind that parenting is about raising our son well – not only getting through each day. I want to be sure to lay a solid foundation for him now so that we can build on it as he grows.
This is such a good reminder to all of us moms. I needed to hear this today. <3
Thank you so much, Jennifer! I am so glad it was helpful to you. I hope you have the best weekend!
I love this so much. Being a mom is hard and a little encouragement is always beneficial. Thank you for sharing your own experiences with us and admitting that life isn’t all sunshine and roses! It’s worth it being a mom, but sometimes it’s just dang hard. <3 Jamie
Thanks so much! It really is both my favorite and most challenging roles! Definitely not all glamorous, but worth it! <3
Beautifully written, thanks for the encouragement!
Thank you so much! I appreciate you stopping by!
Thank you so much for this. I have three kids and portions of each day feel like total disasters. We are in the 2 year old stage as well and it’s such a challenge but also wonderful as you say.
I like what you said that portions of each day feel like disasters – I can totally relate to this. Not always the whole day. <3
Yes, God’s grace is sufficient in all things, and for all things. Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for stopping by!
Love this post! As a mom of 4 who also works outside the home, there are plenty of hard days, but I know they are fleeting, and, one day, I will miss them immensely!
Oh wow. I bet. It was hard for me working outside the home with just one! It is definitely not easy, but good to try to soak it all up because they are definitely fleeting like you said! Keep it up, mama!
Today sucked. For me at least, so reading this really hit home. It’s always nice to be reminded of these things when you’re having a bad day.
Oh, Mama. I am so sorry. I appreciate your transparency so much. I hope you have a restful weekend and are able to recharge! Sending you lots of love and encouragement!
Just what I needed to read. Thank you for sharing!
I’m so glad you are encouraged by it! Thank you for stopping by!
This was a great message! It applies to all mothers. Even though my boys are older I can relate to the balancing act as a full-time working mom and writer. I appreciate the verses. Thanks!
It really is quite the balancing act! I think these verses are really quite applicable in any stage of life!
Beautifully written!!
Thank you so much!
What a lovely post! It’s important to remember your worth in times when you’re stressed out and feeling like you’re getting nowhere.
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much; I completely agree!
Great read, “your work is worship..”, I love this perspective. thanks for sharing.
Absolutely! I try to always remember this, too!
Such a great reminder for moms!
Thank you so much!
Absolutely. Our work matters. And it can be tough, it can be fun and everything in between.
You are totally right – and sometimes it can be all those things even in the same day!
Thank you for finding such great scriptures. They are helpful reminders when the days are hard.
They really are. I need to be reminded of these truths often in my own life!